If you’re reading this on our website, odds are you already appreciate that Street Libraries support communities by fostering connections between individuals, organisations and businesses.
But not everyone is aware of our focus on creating community connections and promoting literacy through Street Libraries.
On Thursday May 9 at 11.30am EST, Street Library Australia is hosting an hour-long webinar for Community Officers, Project Managers and Placemakers from all levels of government and government-affiliated organisations, as well as individuals who interested in learning how Street Libraries can impact communities.
The webinar will provide a snapshot of how these tiny vestibules of literary happiness can make a valuable contribution to a community, while sharing straightforward information on how you can access the benefits of having Street Libraries within your LGA.
Place Partners’ founding Director Kylie Legge, a leading voice in the evolving profession of placemaking, will provide insights into how this no-strings-attached approach to literacy will enrich and unite communities. She will be joined by Melanie Tait of City North Men’s Shed (Sydney) and Kim Marsh, Place Manager, Infrastructure Grants & Major Projects for the City of Parramatta, who will share their successes in community activation through the installation of Street Libraries.
Interested? Share this information with Placemakers and Community Project Officers at your local council, and let us demonstrate to them that Street Libraries are a low-cost, sustainable and meaningful way to support communities.