Travel to Amsterdam (The Netherlands), famous for canals, beautiful houses, ‘coffee’ shops, and now Minibiebs. ‘Minibieb’ is the Dutch version of a ‘Street Library’’. The noun ‘bieb’ is a colloquialism for ‘bibliotheek’ (‘library’) and is the default in spoken informal Dutch.
Emile and Enkiri have been documenting Minibieb in their beautiful city since 2019 and have set up an Instagram account to show the world all the Minibiebs found. With over 200 Minibiebs and growing, they both love finding new Minibiebs on their great adventures through Amsterdam. Enkiri has also created a walking tour to help people in their community to find the perfect book and meet someone new in the neighbourood
“We think it is a friendly community initiative for people wanting to share a book and encourage everyone to find a passion for reading. We will continue to hunt down all the Minibiebs and are excited to discover the creativity of the people of Amsterdam. Let’s all help to preserve safe havens for books!”
Discover Emile and Enkiri Instagram account