Introducing the Guha family (from Hughes, ACT) with four kids aged between 3 to 15. Books are very important part of this family’s life and so they wanted to share their love with their community.
There are so many Street Libraries in their vicinity and they wanted to be a part of sharing books with their community. The kids love exploring all the Street Libraries in the area they decide to start one themselves. They purchased the Kit Version of The Shed for Christmas and were hoping to build the Street Library over the summer school holidays. However, bushfire smoke and other priorities got in the way and they never got around to building it. The kit patiently waited in the corner of the garage, tempting them every time they walked past.
With physical distancing and quarantine measures in place during the school holidays. They decided it was the perfect opportunity to get together and build their Street Library together. It was a fun family project with each child helping to get involved with the various aspects of building, painting and installing under a shady tree.
They are fortunate to live on a corner street where they attract people in the neighbourhood that walk past their house everyday. They used blackboard paint on the roof of the Street Library and the Guha kids write a different message everyday – it ranges from weather forecasts, trivia to quotes to brighten up peoples day.
The kids offered their books to place in the Street Library and it has grown to the whole neighbourhood to sharing their books. This Street Library is loved by the whole family and everyone taken to spreading the love of books.