Langri Tangpa Centre (LTC) is a non-profit organisation, founded in 1982, and run entirely by volunteers. The LTC is a teaching and meditation centre in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, and they provide a friendly and supportive environment for learning and putting into practice the teachings of the Buddha. There is no need to be a Buddhist to benefit from the courses on offer. They encourage questioning and open dialogue and welcome everyone with an interest in making their life both happy and meaningful.
The Street Library was painted by Helene Holland who leads the Buddhist art afternoons, it took over 90 volunteer hours, and it shows, it is exquisite! It even has a solar-powered chandelier, so it glows like a jewel at night. There are various LTC icons on the box and through the painted windows, and miniature hand-crafted roof tiles with added moss! The Street Library was made possible via a grant that was secured by Carolyn Mason a member.
They have been overwhelmed by continuous donations of books. Almost 400 books have made their way out of the box and into people’s lives, and hopefully, some peace and happiness went along too. Offering books this way is a community service and a great joy to LTC.
People in the photos.
There are some of Eddie in his blue shirt pointing at the back of the library – he is painted into the library wearing the same shirt. Eddie is one of our teachers and holds vast knowledge; he has read most of the books in our library. There is a pic of him in the library too. We have one of the best stocked Buddhist libraries in Australia.
There is a pic of Helene by herself and also at the library opening – she is our resident artist and her work speaks for itself. I hope you can include a pic of her as it is very important to acknowledge her contribution to our centre.