Books have always had a special place in Kyra’s heart. She has been a reader her entire life and is hoping to spread the love of reading with her whole community with her Street Library. Kyra is passionate about sharing the books she reads on her Instagram account here she recommends, shares her thoughts, and vibes on books she has read.

Here is her story:

The Links Street Library is the newest edition for the community of Macquarie Links. Even though the Street Library could have been placed on our private property, I really wanted the community to be involved as much as possible. So, I emailed my zone’s representative to ask if this project was something they would be willing to use the capital fund to invest in and if I could place it in one of our bus stop shelters. This way the Street Library would be more protected from the elements, and people can browse in an undercover area. There are many of these shelters in the state, it is my hope that more Street Libraries can be installed in the future. 

When the Street Library was first delivered, I posted a “sneak preview” on the neighbourhood Facebook page, and people were so excited about the idea. When it was finally installed, the community was nothing but supportive of the project, providing encouragement and enthusiasm on our neighbourhood page and newsletter. I was so excited to have a place to share my love of reading with my community. I had been looking for places to volunteer time where I could be around books and like-minded people – now I’ve created my own just down the street! 

As well as sharing old classics that made the rounds through suburban mums, I am looking forward to having new and self-published books in the library too. I have family members and friends who are authors of all sorts of books ranging from children’s books, self-development books, and poetry collections. I am also active in the “bookstagram” community online (self-plug = @sylverbooks), so I hope to include some advance reader copies of books that I am lucky enough to be a part of.