Books on the Bend

24 Rosen Street, Epping NSW, Australia

The "Books on the Bend" Street Library is visually appealing and large enough to house quite a few books, so you can take & leave more than one book at a time. There are books for all ages, in a range of genres and soon we will have books in languages other than English.Here is what a couple of the Street Library clients have had to say:
"We think this Street Library is a fantastic idea and we're so excited about it!"
"I am looking forward to exchanging books whilst walking around the block. And what exquisite timing! Just as traditional libraries have closed their doors, you have opened yours!"

The idea for this Street Library began in 2019. Initially I mentioned the idea to a friend who contacted a local Men’s Shed and commissioned the building of the Library. The base painting was done by my husband and myself, the artwork was completed by three local artists and the plinth was constructed by a builder friend. To spread the word and engender interest we did a letter box drop and ran a Library Naming competition. The story goes that it takes a village to raise a child, well it has taken a community together with a dash of promotion to make this Street Library a success!

Located at:24 Rosen Street, Epping NSW, Australia

Contact this librarian

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  • What would you like to ask or share with the librarian? Note: We will NOT be forwarding on messages regarding the donations of books.
  • * All comments moderated and will only genuine and non-offensive messages be forwarded.