Bookworm, bookocoon, bookterfly

79 Silver Street, St Peters, new south Wales, 2044

Come down and get your books! We got books! We got books! We got books! Big books, small books, short books, tall books, red books, blue books, and fish.

I want to live my life in such a way that it’s easy to contribute. I feel a sense of urgency around being part of a community and giving back. If not now, when, if not me, who?

I’ve collected so. Many books from street libraries and always loved the idea, honestly it took me around three hours to add a street library to my life and yours. Whoever doesn’t have three hours spare to contribute to a better world needs to reconsider their priorities. It’s the small details that make a huge difference!

Located at:79 Silver Street, St Peters, new south Wales, 2044

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