Busy Bee Street Libraree

43 Wilga St, Corrimal, NSW, Australia

We built our Busy Bee Street Libraree to bring the community together with the act of sharing!

We believe every person in this world deserves free access to knowledge and the right environment to learn. Our little street library has seen many visitors- from the school children who grab a new book every other day to our neighbor who hadn’t read in over 10 years!
Not only can people visit our library and grab themselves some knowledge but the act of sharing and of kindness and generosity has brought our community together and formed some real friendships within our street.

Located at:43 Wilga St, Corrimal, NSW, Australia

Contact this librarian

We will NOT be forwarding your message if it is regarding donations. You do not need permission to donate your books. Go visit a Street Library today there is no need to fill in this form.

  • What would you like to ask or share with the librarian? Note: We will NOT be forwarding on messages regarding the donations of books.
  • * All comments moderated and will only genuine and non-offensive messages be forwarded.