CAKL (Coomba Area Kids’ Library)

Cnr of Coomba and Shallow Bay Roads, Coomba Park, NSW, Australia

The CAKL is filled with books for infants and primary school aged children. A book exchange just for kids where they can G(ive)R(ead)A(nd)B(orrow) a book. It's free and never closes!

Coomba is a small village, at the “end of the road” situated 45 minutes from town. The population is a mixture of self funded retirees, pensioners, working parents, single parents, children and teens. While there is a book exchange for adults in the community hall, it became clear there was nowhere for kids to have easy access to suitable books. A member of the Men’s Shed made it, the kids at the once a week after school program named it and decorated it and the community embraced the  concept wholeheartedly! Even the school bus driver lets the kids get off the bus to use the library.

Located at:Cnr of Coomba and Shallow Bay Roads, Coomba Park, NSW, Australia

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