Donnybrook Community Street Library

lot 101 south west highway Donnybrook

Our Library is easily located and close to the information and resource centre amongst some beautiful trees with benches to sit and ponder your book choice. it has various organisations and people donating books so it should have just about something for everyone.

The library all started when I put the idea to the social group clients of Community Home Care in Donnybrook this lead to the local resource centre getting involved and the local Men’s shed offering to build it, they did a amazing job and painted it also Sue from the local resource centre was invaluable at getting the permission from the local shire to have the library situated on shire land and liaising with the Men’s Shed. The clients of the social group painted the decorations that were put on and also donated books. People expressed concern about vandalism etc but what I feel the philosophy of the library is good faith in people doing the right thing and the community sharing books locally and with travellers and spreading the love of a good read.

Located at:lot 101 south west highway Donnybrook

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