The High street book swap

12 High street Bellerive Hobart Tasmania 7018

Our library has a selection of children fiction and adult fiction Gardening books And a seed swap And it's close to the beach so you could go for a walk after .. with your new book...

The High Street Book Swap,
was created with recycled items we had collected and had on hand..
We are a family of booklovers and wanted to share our books . And
We had a lot of books around the house and wanted to create a Book Swap with our community ..
We also have a seed swap ..

Located at:12 High street Bellerive Hobart Tasmania 7018

Contact this librarian

We will NOT be forwarding your message if it is regarding donations. You do not need permission to donate your books. Go visit a Street Library today there is no need to fill in this form.

  • What would you like to ask or share with the librarian? Note: We will NOT be forwarding on messages regarding the donations of books.
  • * All comments moderated and will only genuine and non-offensive messages be forwarded.