Montagu Street Library

6/8 Montagu Street, Mount Stuart 7000, Tasmania, Australia

Books, games, toys - Take one, give one, share one.

Street libraries have been popping up all over in recent years. Our neighbour offered an impromptu one in 2020, just a plastic tub with a sign. Me and my kids walked past this routinely on the way to school and would drop books off for kids. They always disappeared and none returned ;-). The neighbour moved the box disappeared.

So we built our own. The largest we’ve seen, with size very spacious shelves, that can cater for all our interests, books, toys, games … we’re on a through road with some foot traffic and so it’s not a bad spot to offer a street library for passers by. A lot of children in the area too, so toys and games are welcome given the size of it.

Located at:6/8 Montagu Street, Mount Stuart 7000, Tasmania, Australia

Contact this librarian

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  • * All comments moderated and will only genuine and non-offensive messages be forwarded.