
85 Wilson St, Lawson, NSW, 2783 - Australia.

Pip is a sweet little library at the end of our St with a collection of books ranging from biographies, kids books, new age philosophy to fantasy novels & musical content on practice/theory including some ‘retro’ CD’s!

‘Pip’ stands for personal interest project, which was a paper that year 12 students had to write back when I was at school, if they were studying society & culture. I didn’t t take the subject, but wish I had. So now with a new ambition to become an ‘actual librarian’ one day!!! I thought I’d start on my own St. The mission is to encourage learning & I’m fascinated by what people choose to share. Here’s to
life long learning!

Located at:85 Wilson St, Lawson, NSW, 2783 - Australia.

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  • * All comments moderated and will only genuine and non-offensive messages be forwarded.