Quakers Hill Street Library

7 Corbin Avenue, Quakers Hill, NSW Australia

Whether you are walking to school, pushing your babies in the pram, on the way to the bus stop or walking your dog, pick up and escape in a book! The books in Quakers Hill Street Library are for everyone!

This library extra special because it was crowd funded by the Quakers Hill Community! Their generosity has now allowed me to share baby, children and adult books of all interests with our local residents! As a secondary English teacher it saddens me that kids and adults don’t get to experience libraries for various reasons. What a wonderful way to get some fresh air, borrow a book or even contribute a book. If you visit our library, please share your experience on instagram @quakershillstreetlibrary or #quakershillstreetlibrary or on our facebook page Quakers Hill Street Library.

Located at:7 Corbin Avenue, Quakers Hill, NSW Australia

Contact this librarian

We will NOT be forwarding your message if it is regarding donations. You do not need permission to donate your books. Go visit a Street Library today there is no need to fill in this form.

  • What would you like to ask or share with the librarian? Note: We will NOT be forwarding on messages regarding the donations of books.
  • * All comments moderated and will only genuine and non-offensive messages be forwarded.