Stephanie’s Tiny Library

408 George Bass Drive Malua Bay NSW 2536

You will walk past it on your way to a great little beach just below my house - you'll need a book to read on the grass after your swim.

I walked for three months around UK and Scotland last year and as luck would have it I spied a positively gorgeous little library on a dry stone wall in the Lake District. It happened to be situated across the road from my final night’s accommodation in UK and I badly needed a book to see me through the flight from hell back to Australia.

Picking up Bill Bryson’s “Notes from a Small Island’ made my flight so much easier, laughing out loud as I related to so many of Bill’s reflections. I decided that I needed to contribute to this wonderful idea as soon as I got home!

I strongly believe that everyone should have access to books at any time, day or night! Especially when the municipal libraries are closed.

Located at:408 George Bass Drive Malua Bay NSW 2536

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