Story Cottage

5 Handley Avenue, Thornleigh, 2120 NSW Australia

A dedicated library for ages 0 to tweens nestled in an old Camillia tree. You’ll also find a comfy bench and possibly some faerie folk who live in the garden near by.

2020 saw our quiet Street come alive with gangs of children on bicycles, an increased number of people on their daily stroll or run, the happy chatter of families taking breaks from work and home-learning. We all were suddenly more neighbourly and greetings were more frequent than ever before.The lovely family next door to us already had their library up and running so it was a matter of time that we too would join them in this act of sharing. There are now two little street libraries here and what a difference it has already made to the feeling of community, come over and see for yourself!

Located at:5 Handley Avenue, Thornleigh, 2120 NSW Australia

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