This little library is made from my grandfather’s old toolbox, which I refurbished during the COVID-19 lockdown. I thought it might provide a little fun for the many people walking down my street when there was little else to do!
The Toolbox has a range of books, including old and new books from all genres. Feel free to take a book, leave a book or just have a browse. Books are replenished on a weekly basis, so check back often and you never know what you’ll find.
If there’s no space left (it is a little library, after all!) and you want to leave some books, please leave them under the carport and I’ll put them in the library when there is space available.
If the door is closed when you come by, just pull the red ribbon to open the latch. If it’s rainy, please close the door and hook the latch after you’ve finished browsing.
Happy reading!