My name is Noah and I am a Street Librarian. I am 12 years old and I love to read. Like REALLY love to read.
In Year 6 we had to create a community service project, and I decided to create my very own street library. I hammered it, nailed it and painted it. And when it was finished I mounted it on a post and filled it with kids’ books. It was ready to serve the community right in the middle of the first pandemic lockdown here in Sydney. Which turned out to be quite fortuitous as all the local libraries were forced to close down.
I love my street library for several reasons. The first is that I love to see the faces of the people who get a new book from the library. It is the best thing to see the expression of joy on those faces as they pick a new book to read. I get to have lots of conversations with kids in my neighbourhood about the books they like and the books they share in my library.
I also love it because it encourages people to read and I think that is awesome because I love reading. The more young people read, the smarter they become and that benefits them immensely. It teaches things about the world, how to interact, how to pick up things you wouldn’t normally pick up and it just generally gives you a big vocabulary which can be very useful and rewarding in situations that require silly and big words like “defenestrate”.
That is why I love being a Street Librarian.