Street Libraries have become a nationwide phenomenon with their “take a book, give a book, share a book” philosophy housed in tiny wooden boxes.DSC06457

Sydney has been in on the craze, with Street Libraries slowly popping up all over city, and dozens more in the works. NSW currently has 44 registered street libraries, compared with Victoria’s 31.

Teachers in the NSW Public School System is using the concept to make sure kids don’t abandon reading by installing them in schools this summer.

The first official Street Library was opened at Australia Street Infants School in Newtown, and the there are plans underway to install 100 others in schools and daycare centres. Stanmore, Redfern and Glebe and across the Inner West are getting them soon, in partnership with with Street Libraries and the City of Sydney.

“The goal is bold, has never been done before. It could become a blueprint for other schools and childcare centres across the nation to circulate books among children.” Nic Lowe, founder of Street Libraries, said.

So far, 11 of the remaining 85 street libraries have been sponsored by members of the community, including GoGet Carshare and Urbane Newtown. To help support putting a street library in the remaining schools, contact us.

Local artists are also creating libraries that will be placed in Sydney community spaces this summer. Street Libraries will be installed at Young Henrys Brewery, Rough Edges in Darlinghurst and near the Manly Sealife Aquarium in the coming months.

You can read more about the Street Library initiative here.
