Penguin Rosebud


We have recycled a piece of home corner furniture that was damaged in our flooding in November 2017, to create our street Library. The library will sit proud in our entry to the childcare service for all families and community to use.

As part of our educational programs we have established our own street library, to encourage families and the wider community to come together and share a book.
Take a break, sit down with a loved one, share a story and some laughter, then be transported to another time and place through the story you choose to read.

Located at:127 BONEO RD

Contact this librarian

We will NOT be forwarding your message if it is regarding donations. You do not need permission to donate your books. Go visit a Street Library today there is no need to fill in this form.

  • What would you like to ask or share with the librarian? Note: We will NOT be forwarding on messages regarding the donations of books.
  • * All comments moderated and will only genuine and non-offensive messages be forwarded.