Gosh it was lovely to hear from the Yorkeys Knob Residents’ Association (YKRA) recently, regarding their Beach Book Treasure Street Library all the way up at Sim’s Esplanade, Yorkeys Knob, in Far North Queensland.
After many years on a tropical beachfront (some 13kms north of Cairns), the original Beach Book Treasure at Yorkeys Knob Street Library was showing signs of decay. Members of the YKRA invited the Marlin Coast Men’s Shed to create a new Street Library to take the place of the original.
The new Beach Book Treasure was then shared with the Absolute Art group of Yorkeys Knob (decorators of the original), who carefully provided a decorative layer of paint before the library was returned to the YKRA who sealed this sweet little Beach Book Treasure with FOUR coats of marine varnish to protect it against the elements.
All costs for the replacement were covered by YKRA association funds in the name of benefiting the community and its visitors.
“It’s satisfying to know that this small facility has been renewed and will now service the community for years to come,” says YKRA President, Adrian.
What an excellent display of community. Next time you’re in FNQ be sure to stop by Sim’s Esplanade at Yorkeys Knob!